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My Specialties & Services

Restoring balance and inner peace 

I Work With Mission-oriented Leaders & Groups

Own Your Design - Humanistic Astrology Reading

 Humanistic astrology and behavior mapping helps us uncover our natural inclinations and tendencies.

Rather than think there is something wrong with ourselves or get into a pattern of fixing who we are, we can have the most power in life when we can learn to own and work with our natural rhythms and tendencies.

During a humanistic astrology reading, you will have a breakdown of your communication style, relationship style and emotional disposition so that you can get a deeper understanding of who you are and how to best utilize your gifts. 

Cord Clearing

A cord is an energetic connection you have with another. The purpose of the cord is it allow for an exchange of energy and emotion. 

Anytime you have an interaction, you create a cord. These cords can vary in structure and complexity. The deeper the relationship, the more complex the cord.

 During a cord clearing session, we will work together to discover which cord is causing disruption or imbalance in the flow of your energy and address what is needed so that you can be free to move forward with more clarity, freedom & vitality. 

The Shadow / Originating Intention Webinar

In this 10 session webinar, you will discover and distinguish your shadow and have direct access to catching it in all the obvious and subtle ways it appears.

You will also put your purpose into words – in a way that has everything make sense. From this moment, you will have a compass to navigate in life that creates ultimate fulfillment and flow.

My Expertise


Loss of Energy


Stress & Anxiety


Internal Conflict


Relationship Conflict


Managing energetic sensitivities


Clearing Confusion


Emotional Processing


Co-dependent behavior


Getting to the Root of the Problem


Resolving Mental Loops


Spiritual Issues


Shadow Patterns

My Approach

Human beings are simple yet complex. There are some fundamental breaks in consciousness that happen to all of us universally, yet how and when they show up to be resolved is unique to every individual.

 In my spiritual journey, I discovered that what may be relevant in one moment, is not what is needed the next. Thus, it is important to meet someone where they are at and discover what is needed in the moment, versus having a prescription. 

I work intuitively and in partnership with my clients. I don’t believe in giving answers or doing the work for anyone. Instead, I hold space, guide, ask questions, so that the discovery unfolds. Part of my gift is I listen keenly for what needs to be expressed so that a person can be free.  

Often times, we are so stuck in our patterns and reactions that it is challenging to know what needs to be expressed and acknowledged. Often issues re-surface because the body or unconscious is attempting to resolve or express what it had to stuff away in a time of crisis or survival. When you’ve discovered what needs to be expressed, you’ve won half the battle.

From there you can begin to resolve and heal. 


Getting Started is Easy


Free 20 Min Chat

Diagnose the issue and discover if we are a fit.

Book Appointment

Reserve a date and time for your session.

1st Session!

Come ready and open to have a breakthrough.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who’s Heejin?


What can I expect from an astrology reading?


What can I expect from a cord clearing session?


What can a cord clearing session do for me?


How do I know I need cord clearing?


How often do I need to go for a cord clearing?


Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. 

323) 209-5601

Los Angeles, CA